Thursday, August 27, 2015

Honey bee home in Indonesia

Appis Mellifera

Honeybees or Latin name Appis mellifera, the honey bee species found in mainland Europe banyal. There are several well-known types, including black bee (European origin), yellow bees (from Italy) and gray bees (of Carniola).

Honey bee species was Black are much in demand by breeders Indonesia. The advantages of this type of bees, among others, quickly adapt to the environment, Sangay easily bred and honey are very much outcome.
Honey Bee

Traditional Indonesian farmers currently only use the bees to produce honey only. In fact, in addition to producing honey, bees also produce night / beeswax, bee glue, royal jelly and pollen.

Honey processing waste or not at all no use. Many other things besides honey yangbisa kia made business opportunities. If we are often looking for information on waste pemanfaatna honeybees, the possibility of the ideas that would present itself.

Opportunity or business opportunity is open to entrepreneurs in beekeeping. Commodities honey is still the belle of the market, in addition, honey also is needed by everyone. Beekeeping be a suitable option to provide an income that is calculated not less.

Honey bee home in Indonesia Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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